Ancient Words to Help Us Stop Worrying

Ancient Words to Help Us Stop Worrying

So much to worry about This past year has offered us plenty to worry about. The threat of COVID-19 has moved in closer as friends and family members have fallen ill, and in some cases lost their lives, to this strange new virus. The pandemic has interrupted our...
Turning toward God and Away from Worry

Turning toward God and Away from Worry

Life gives us plenty to worry about these days. Pandemic. Racial unrest. Political uncertainty. Add to these shared national concerns our own personal list of anxieties, fears, and concerns, and some days we feel like we’re waging war against an unseen enemy. In...
Trading our Fear for Jesus’ Peace

Trading our Fear for Jesus’ Peace

The days we’re living in are uncertain, to say the least. Pandemic. Increasing awareness of systemic racism. Civil unrest. Today’s headlines are enough to leave us quaking in fear. But God doesn’t want us to live afraid. He invites us to trade our fear for...