by Bonnie O'Neil | Mar 27, 2024 | Grow, Uncategorized
It is finished! was Jesus’ victory cry, uttered in a loud voice before giving up his spirit. In the Greek, it is akin to “Mission accomplished! What mission had he accomplished? What had he set out to do? Jesus was sent to bring about the restoration of everything...
by Bonnie O'Neil | Mar 30, 2023 | Grow, Uncategorized
It’s tempting to read the first fifteen verses of the prophetic 59th chapter of Isaiah by only looking outward. The world heaves under the oppression of those who shed blood, whose mouths drip lies and obscenities, whose hands commit wicked acts of violence. These are...
by Bonnie O'Neil | Mar 30, 2021 | Grow
Have you ever needed a new perspective to make sense of what you thought you were seeing? Holy Week invites us to re-envision God’s work in the world as we step out of our own paradigm and into God’s. It all happened so suddenly. God’s plan to rescue...