How Do I Talk About Faith?

How Do I Talk About Faith?

If you’ve been following this series of articles over the past few months, hopefully you’ve come to a better understanding of the Great Commission and our responsibility to co-mission with Jesus in spreading his gospel. Perhaps you even understand better why Alpha is...
Does the Great Commission Apply to Me?

Does the Great Commission Apply to Me?

According to Barna’s 2009 research regarding spiritual gifts, only one percent of Christian adults consider themselves to have the gift of evangelism. Given this result, might we be justified in questioning: does the Great Commission apply to me? Surely, Jesus’ charge...
Sharing the Good News

Sharing the Good News

Good news is hard to keep to ourselves. When an exciting event happens in our life or we meet someone extraordinary, we can’t wait to tell everyone about it. We celebrate it and share photos with the world on social media. The better the news, the greater our desire...