Continue strengthening the roots of your faith even after Alpha.


We’re so glad you’re here. Whether you’re just beginning to explore who God is, or you’ve recently come to a fresh and deeper faith in Jesus, or you’ve been faithfully growing in your relationship with Jesus for decades, we trust you will find words of spiritual refreshment on these pages. From the opening chapters of Genesis, where God initiated deep, personal interaction with humankind, to the incarnation of the God-man, Jesus, one thing has been clear. God desires intimate fellowship with everyone who bears his image.

Wherever you are on your faith journey today, we hope these posts will remind you of these encouraging truths. God loves you. God is for you. God will never forsake those who call on his name, because he is faithful and true. May God fill you with his peace today.

Does the Great Commission Apply to Me?

According to Barna’s 2009 research regarding spiritual gifts, only one percent of Christian adults consider themselves to have the gift of evangelism. Given this result, might we be justified in questioning: does the Great Commission apply to...

Overcoming Worry by Seeking God First

Reflections on Matthew 6: 25-34 and Philippians 4:4-7 Our lives are complex and with that complexity come a host of worries. How will I pay for the car repair? Why was I overlooked for that job promotion? What am I doing with my life? Why can’t...