Alpha Mid Atlantic offers a variety of training resources for your team.
Whether virtual or in person, we are here to help you run Alpha effectively!
Alpha Mid Atlantic offers One-on-One Coaching, and virtual and in-person training events. Upcoming training opportunities are listed on our Events page. All our trainings are recorded, so if you’re looking for a particular training and it’s not being offered soon, please enjoy it on our YouTube channel!
Please let us know if you’re interested in an in-person training at your church.
We’ve also developed some exciting, free, downloadable resources for your church to get the conversation of faith-sharing going and to help parishioners invite friends to your Alpha.

One-on-one Coaching
If you’re new to Alpha, would you give us twenty minutes of your time? We’d love to show you around the most important features of My Alpha, and share some tips for teambuilding and congregational engagement. Contact Executive Director, Bonnie O’Neil at to get started!

Explore Alpha
Heard of Alpha but not quite ready to jump in? Explore Alpha is ideal for pastors, leadership teams, and individuals considering running Alpha, the course over 30 million people have taken and through which they’ve met Jesus. To schedule Explore Alpha at your church, contact Executive Director, Bonnie O’Neil at

Run Alpha Training
Run Alpha Training is perfect for churches new to Alpha, those looking to grow their Alpha, and those looking for an opportunity for their entire team to be trained. Run Alpha Training will equip you to run a best-practice Alpha, lead highly effective small groups, offer an impactful Alpha Day Away, and be confident in leading prayer ministry.

Creating an Invitational Culture
Creating an Invitational Culture helps churches become more invitational in their approach to Alpha, as we unpack why we’re reluctant to share our faith and offer real strategies for pastors, leaders, and the congregation to invite friends to Alpha. This training is ideal for your entire Alpha team, your pastors and other leaders.

Advanced Small Group Training
Small groups are the heart of Alpha, so facilitating judgment-free discussion among guests from all levels of faith is essential. Advanced Small Group Training takes a deep look at what makes an Alpha small group unique and is perfect for experienced Alpha leaders, especially Hosts and Helpers, who want to take their Alpha to the next level.

Ask Me Anything
Alpha Ask Me Anything gatherings are hosted by Alpha Mid Atlantic and a guest church that has deep proficiency in running Alpha. These interactive trainings offer Alpha teams a great way to gain fresh ideas and sharpen their skills. All levels of Alpha experience are welcome. This training is for pastors, Alpha team leaders, and Alpha teams.

Alpha Day Away with Prayer Ministry Training
The Alpha Day Away is the cornerstone of every Alpha. This training helps you gain practical insight and ideas to run an effective and Spirit-filled Alpha Day Away and also shows you how to run Prayer Ministry on Alpha. This training is ideal for your entire Alpha team and especially for the prayer team.

Online Alpha Day Away with Prayer Ministry Training
Wondering how to run your Alpha Day Away in an online format? This training, available on our YouTube channel, is for teams that are running Alpha online and are seeking fresh ideas for making their Alpha Day Away fun, effective, and Spirit-filled. This training is ideal for the entire Alpha team, and especially the prayer team.
Made for More – video series
This 6-session video series helps your congregation explore our calling to make disciples of Jesus and understand why we resist this calling. These interactive sessions are designed to demystify and destigmatize what gospel-sharing could look like in a post-Christian culture. View each ten-minute session one at a time, or combine several sessions at a time, following each teaching with time for honest discussion in large or small groups. Made for More will help your congregation grow more comfortable having spiritual conversations that ultimately lead to inviting their friends to Alpha. Access the video series through the resource button at the bottom of the page.

What is Alpha? invitation card
These two-sided cards are perfect for your church members to use as they invite their friends to Alpha. Rather than just providing the date, time, and location of your Alpha, this invitation card also succinctly describes what Alpha is. On the reverse side potential guests can read about what to expect on an Alpha night. This downloadable card can be customized with your church’s Alpha details and contact information. Access the card through the resource button at the bottom of the page.

30 Ways – Alpha communication plan
This series of 30 short paragraphs will help your church keep Alpha top of mind throughout the year, even when you’re not running Alpha. Broken into eight themes, such as evangelism, discipleship, equipping, and encounter, each paragraph describes a different aspect of Alpha and helps your congregation have a better understanding of why they should come and bring a friend.
This resource is perfect to supply content for your Sunday leaflet, your weekly newsletter, or any other print or digital resource you use. Access 30 Ways through the resource button at the bottom of the page.