What Do I Do with My Anger?

What Do I Do with My Anger?

You don’t have to read many news headlines or scroll very long through social media to realize we have become a very angry nation. Added to the usual arguments over politics, religion, and relationships are disagreements over how we should live as individuals and as a...
How To Deal With Shame

How To Deal With Shame

The Bible is full of stories that deal with shame. Think Adam and Eve. David killing Uriah. Joseph’s brothers selling him into slavery. The list goes on and on. Shame is a part of our shared human condition so it’s really no surprise that God would have a lot to say...
Recognizing Hidden Pride

Recognizing Hidden Pride

One of our greatest challenges in growing in Christlike character is overcoming our enormous sense of pride. Before you balk at this statement, thinking, I’m not pompous. I don’t put on airs. I don’t possess things or accomplishments that others would envy. How can...